Tasmania Trip 2023 Mega Post

This is the Tasmania Trip 2023 Mega Post where you can see EVERYTHING I did during the 2023 trip! To make this page not too long I've put some categories in this page!

Check the Information button on the bottom left corner for when this page was last updated.


Leaving BNE Airport early in the morning, I was really excited to head down to Tasmania and adventure everything that is there. Continue reading below to learn about Tasmania!

Tasmania is a small island and state of Australia with around 500,000 people that live there.

Image Source: https://www.aboutaustralia.com/tassie/

Whilst Tasmania is very small, it can be fun for tourists and visitors, and is very healthy for the locals.

Image Source: https://www.mapsof.net/tasmania/map-of-tasmania

Specifically, during this trip I was visiting the capital city, Hobart, which has around 200,000 people living there.

Image Source: https://www.mapsof.net/tasmania/map-of-tasmania

Here is an image carousel of some pics I took on the day of arrival heading into Hobart! One of my favourite things about Tasmania is that it is really natural still and almost underdeveloped in terms of humans ruining the environment down there, so there are many relaxing places and beautiful places to see in Tasmania!


Next up I decided to check out the Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens, which is a great place to relax, explore and discover heaps of different gardens, and more!

At these Botanical Gardens there were different zones and areas that housed different gardens depending on the theme! First up I decided to check out the Japan zone.

A mini version of a volcano! πŸŒ‹ Loved the theming in the Japanese zone, even if there wasn't much (which there didn't need to be).

Here are the wonderful photos of the flowers and plants in the Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens! Unfortunately, I did not keep track of what zones each pic was taken in (oops πŸ˜…) so apologies for that!

Plus, look at this duck relaxing! πŸ¦† Quack!

πŸ‘‹ And that is all from the Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens! It was really fun checking out this place!

HOBART Harbour

So it's time to check out the main Hobart Harbour(I guess that's what it's called), and I found some really cool statues. Unfortunately, some of the statues had some dark stories behind them, but I'm not going to go into details, so you can research them and learn about it elsewhere. The harbour looks great though!

Here is more of the harbour, including a random funny named boat!

Yummy Food

πŸ•πŸŸ I ate at this amazing restaurant with some good food. I had lunch on one day and dinner on another.


On a different day I decided to catch a ferry boat to MONA (Museum of Old and New Art). Here are some pics of the water and journey to MONA!

Once I arrived at MONA I could instantly tell that it was not worth the money that it cost to visit. It cost close to $200 to visit and a lot of it wasn't very good. One good thing you could say however is that it was very unique.

I kid you not that to see this you have to spend almost $200. Truly ridiculous!

Why this exists is beyond me.

Yes, this chair is "art".

Every Roblox player in 10 years.

A flag from someone who died.

There was also a poop machine, where I'm guessing it created a poo from the liquid? Not sure, I left pretty quickly as it smelt like... well... poop.

That's a wrap!

This concludes the 2023 Tasmania Trip Mega Post, and the journey too! Obviously I spent a lot of time with family and other private locations which I won't share here, but I hope you enjoy these highlights!

Farewell and see you over at Bloxay.com! I hope to visit Tasmania next year again!